In the comments section, post your URL and a brief explanation of your assigned strategy and how it is present in the advertisement you are sharing.  BE SURE TO PUT YOUR NAME ON YOUR POST!
1/16/2013 06:00:24 am

This advertisment for gum uses hasty generalizations by stating that because four out of five dentists they asked recommended this gum that other dentists would too.

1/16/2013 12:25:23 pm

This advertisement shows bandwagoning by having a father watching football and every time the team he's supporting has a bad play or does something bad he doesn't like them anymore so he starts to like the team who is playing well.

1/17/2013 10:59:48 am

This advertisement makes hasty generalizations by saying everyone is talking about the big macs.

1/17/2013 12:54:14 pm

bandwagoning is when a speaker asks listeners to become part of an overwhelming group in favor of some person, product, or idea.
In This video it shows bandwagoning. In the commercial it showed people showing how much weight they lost. The commercial was tring to tell people that other people have lost weight so you should to.

1/18/2013 12:06:59 am

This video is an example of a nonsequitur. Based on the clips of President Obama taking part in sports such as golf and fishing and meeting famous celebrities, this presidential commercial is attempting to give the impression that he would make a good president because he is very socially involved. This however, has nothing to do with his ability to run the country.

1/18/2013 12:07:39 am

Using glittering generalizations is when people use vague statements to get the listener to agree with what the person is saying with them not actually know what it means. This video shows glittering generalizations by saying that they are america's favorite.

1/18/2013 12:14:55 am

Card stacking is when a speaker only uses facts that support the product that they are trying to promote. This video shows card stacking by only giving positive characteristics of Pringles. The video excludes all the negatives aspects of Pringles to sell them.

1/18/2013 12:15:16 am

Testimonializing is when the speaker uses the opinion of some celebrity on a particular subject. This video shows testimonializng by showing the popular athletes being successful because they drink gatorade. However, gatorade does not effect an athlete's performance, it is just a refresher.

1/18/2013 12:32:01 am

This advertisement makes hasty generalizations by saying everyone is talking about the big macs. Right in the middle of the clip, it tells customers to come get what everyone is talking about. This a generalization because they are just assuming people are talking about their Big Mac, and they are using examples to try and convince the watcher.

1/21/2013 10:38:06 am

This video demonstrates the speaking strategy of name calling. Name calling is when you call someone a name without giving a reason or explanation for it. "He's like Robin Hood in reverse. It's Romney Hood" This shows name calling because he doesn't give a reason behind it.

Clay Wright
1/21/2013 01:03:31 pm

Non Sequitur- is when something is being promoted but the information is random.

Morgan and Britan
1/21/2013 01:40:25 pm

This commercial shows Begging the Question because it doesn't really explain why the product is good or what the product does. It shows the product and says that the baby gets what it wants. This commercial doesn't explain the product or tell why the product should be purchased.

Chase Payne
1/21/2013 09:53:59 pm

This commercial shows Begging the Question because it doesnt say what the product is better than or why it is better than other products. It only shows the product they are trying to sell and reasons why it is better. This commercial therefore shows Begging the Question.

1/21/2013 11:59:29 pm

This commercial shows Card Stacking which means that only facts are stated to make a point. The PC states that it doesnt get virusus unlike the mac. That is how it shows Card Stacking.

1/22/2013 12:04:34 am

Bandwagoning is when a speaker trys to get the listeners to come to the side that he likes. This advertisement shows bandwagoning by having a father watching football and every time the team he's supporting has a bad play or does something bad he doesn't like them anymore so he starts to like the team who is playing well

1/22/2013 12:05:39 am

A glittering generalization is a statement that uses vauge words so that everyone will agree with them. This video says"McDonalds, Americas fvorite". They by saying Americas favorite they are using the generalization that everyone in America likes to eat McDonalds.

1/22/2013 12:08:05 am

Name calling is when the speaker labels a person without providing evidence to prove the label. This video is an example of name calling. During this video the speaker says that AT&T is the fastest phone service with 4G LTE without providing evidence. The commercial says that AT&T is the fastest but does not provide evidence to support his statement so this is name calling.


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    January 2013

